The murder of Andrew and Abby Borden. A tragic and horrible crime that was committed in the Borden household in 1892. Lizzie Bordon, a well known name among murder cases, poems, television
shows, and even child nursery rhymes, was convicted of murdering her father and stepmother. On August 6th, 1892 Lizzie was brought in an held under the polices custody.
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Lizzie was the first to discover her fathers body and told her maid Maggie. According to the article "The Trial of Lizzie Borden" by Doug Linder in 2004 had written that when she was calling for her maid she had said "Maggie, come down! Come down quick; Father's dead; somebody came in and killed him." -Lizzie Borden. Her father was found on the morning of August 4th, 1892. His body was sprawled on the couch in the sitting room. His head was severely dismantled. If you were able to look at his face you would not be able to recognize who it was. According to a blog called "Lizzie Borden: Did She or Didn't She?" by an unknown author says that "Abby Borden's body was discovered in the upstairs guest room. She was murdered some two hours before her husband."